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Memo Bank has been recognized in the “Best API Initiative” category by The Digital Banker

In November 2023, Memo Bank’s Premium banking API was awarded by an external jury of French CFOs (Trophées DAF) in the “Innovation and Transformation” category.

Just four months after this recognition, our Premium API continues to impress financial experts, this time on an international scale, earning Memo Bank the “Best API initiative”. This award was presented by The Digital Banker, a leading provider of information, economic intelligence, and research in the financial services sector.

With this new distinction, Memo Bank positions itself alongside renowned international companies such as HSBC, Santander, and American Express, which are also award recipients, and continues to demonstrate the significant impact of its banking offerings on the financial industry.

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A Premium Banking API with a broad range of uses

French traditional banks have limited their scope to producing Open Banking APIs. Memo Bank breaks away from this trend by offering a Premium API that automates entire payments flows, thus rationalises repetitive tasks.

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Add recurrence and validation rules to your outgoing transfers.

Companies that manage their bank accounts collaboratively must find a balance between trust and control, especially when it comes to outgoing bank transfers. Our clients have already made tons of bank transfers—without paying tons of banking fees on them—and today, we’re adding two transfers-related features:

  1. Recurring transfers;
  2. Team-wide validation workflows.
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Collect payments from your customers with our new direct debit functionality

Up to now, if you wanted to collect money from your customer’s bank account, you had two options:

  • Use the direct debit solution provided by your bank. It works, but it isn’t easy to use nor automation-friendly.
  • Opt for a fintech. It definitely looks better and performs well, but it tends to be pricey. And you’ll probably be charged on a transaction per transaction basis.

We wanted to provide business managers with an alternative solution that was both affordable and easy to use. So we created our own direct debit payment feature. Starting today, you can use your Memo Bank account to create or import your client’s SEPA mandate (core or B2B). And you can also create or import your direct debit operations, to collect payment from your customer’s bank account.

In short, you can now use your Memo Bank account to credit your Memo Bank account. This is a first step towards the creation of a payment collection suite that will allow your company to use Memo Bank for both expense management and payment collection. You’ll never have to log into another website to manage your credits and your debits.

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Memo inside

The stages in our hiring process

This article aims to cover what awaits you as a candidate at each step of our hiring process. If you’re considering writing to us, guide you through what will be expected from you, as well as what you can expect from us.

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speaks louder than words.

And what if you tried it yourself?

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Logo Memo Bank